Tuesday, 16 July 2013
In a live broadcast Sunday, televangelist TB Joshua said he sees a revolution.“I am seeing a revolution. I am seeing people take to the street.“At the beginning of that protest, it might be stopped. Eventually, it will become so big that it cannot be stopped.”He called for job creation for the youth and creation of a new social value system saying that is the only way the revolution could be avoided.This, he said, was because 90 percent of the youth have come to believe that it was by becoming political thugs that they could be successful, especially because those in the political offices do not want to retire and become statesmen.He also said the youth should be considered for inclusion in all sectors of the economy as they seem to be more educated than their elders because they are exposed to modern technology.“The youth, no matter the education they have, feel they have no place in politics and there is no job to keep them busy. There must be new orientation,” said T.B Joshua who has in recent weeks taken job creation as a pilot project of his ministry.In an apparent reference to the political class that clings to power, TB Joshua said it was time to consider the youth for important positions such as assistants to elders.“While the elders are ministers, the youth could be junior ministers. This little example of being junior ministers can change the situation of things.“Tell your presidents – in every department of government or politics, the youth should be junior assistants to the heads of such departments,” he said.“This is a message to the whole world. This is because revolution is a weapon of change that is coming. This is the vision I saw. Revolution is coming when people will take to the street because life has no value anymore to the people out there.“Any nation that will start it now, will avert the coming revolution. Carry your youth along in your politics and administration especially in ruling your country.“I have said it; none of these will go without being fulfilled,” said the pastor who lamented that his messages right from the beginning of his ministry were never believed until they came to pass.Some of his prophesies that came true were the revolution in Egypt, death of former Malawi president Bingu wa Mutharika and recently, the derailing of the train in a French-speaking country.
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